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Dave DiDonato
Lead Pastor
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Brad Bridges
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Eric Gross
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Dan Keeley
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Joe Melaragno
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Patrick O'Leary
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Ed Reid
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Darrell Urbanic
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Eric Zeisloft
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Aldo Zini
Elder Emeritus
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Jim Bruni
Elder Emeritus
Ron Moore
Teaching Pastor/Senior Pastor Emeritus
Executive Leadership Team
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Dave DiDonato
Lead Pastor
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Rick Butor
Executive Director, Worship Arts
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Jared Ott
Executive Pastor, South Hills
Campus Leadership
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Alan Booth
Campus Director, Rostraver
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Brad Rine
Campus Pastor, Washington
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Tom Rojahn
Campus Pastor, Robinson
Robert Thornton
Campus Pastor, Wilkinsburg
Bible Chapel Pastors & Directors
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Suzie Ackerman
Director of Worship Programming and Development, South Hills
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Laura Ankrom
Director of Women's Ministry
Andreas Bailey
Director of Chapel Students and Outreach, Washington
Jay Belcher
Director of Adult Ministries
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Wes Boggs
Director of Worship, Robinson
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Becky Breneman
Chapel Kids Director, South Hills
Caitlin Brezinski
Director of Worship, Washington
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Laura George
Chapel Kids Associate Director, Infant-Preschool and Childcare Coordinator, South Hills
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Debbie Higgs
Chapel Kids Associate Director, Curriculum and Planning, South Hills
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Simon James
Director of Technical Arts
Kaleena Kennedy
Chapel Kids Director, Rostraver
Julie Lawrence
Chapel Kids Associate Director, Elementary K-4, South Hills
Ron Moore
Teaching Pastor/Senior Pastor Emeritus
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Jill Pattison
Director of Chapel Kids, Washington
Naomi Paul
Director, Tender Shepherd Preschool
Brian Plaster
Director of Facilities
Ayanna Ramsey
Director of Chapel Kids, Wilkinsburg
Evan Riel
Director of Chapel Students, Rostraver
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Jaclyn Royall
Director of Special Needs Ministry
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Katie Shadish
Director of Sports and Recreation Ministry, South Hills
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Dave Shields
Pastor of Men's Ministry and Care, South Hills
Hannah Shindledecker
Director of Chapel Kids, Robinson
River Shindledecker
Director of Chapel Students and Sports, Robinson
Dina Smith
Director of Connections
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Brad Sommerfeldt
Pastor of Chapel Students Middle School, South Hills
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Amber Walker
Director of Engagement
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Kyle Zacour
Pastor of Next Gen, South Hills
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