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Thailand 2022 - Day 6

Thailand 2022 - Day 6

May 09 2:02 PM
May 09 2:02 PM


Last night was our final evening with the girls of Faith House. We wanted to make it special so we asked what their favorite place to eat was and they said Thai BBQ! So off we went to BBQ! A buffet of uncooked meats and seafood was availalbe to select as well as a great variety of fruits, raw vegetatbles, rice and even ice cream. You actually cook at your own table over a coal fire. The girls really loved it and enjoyed a feast. Our group consisted of 28 girls, 6 staff, and our 3 team members for a total of 37. Our total cost was $230, food costs in Thailand are very modest to say the least. After we got back to Faith House the girls entertained us with singing as they often do. Saying goodbye was emothional and difficult but we all recogniized the blessing of our time together. Today, we have a 6 hour drive to Chiang Mai to visit with our missionary Jim Blumenstock and his family. Jim is the Dean of Asia Biblical Theological Seminary and has been supported by the Bible Chaple for 8 years. We look forward to sharing with you about our visit with Jim and his ministry.


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Thailand 2022 - Day 5

Thailand 2022 - Day 5

May 05 2:09 PM
May 05 2:09 PM


#setthecaptivesfree Today our World has 40,000,000 human trafficked people! A 7.5 billion dollar industry funded by some rich and famous people. The government of Thailand working with others has managed to close down porn hub. Why doesn’t the rest of the world?

Amidst this darkness is a beautiful bright light called Faith House in Maesot Thailand. 30+ rescued girls from war torn Myanmar ages 11-26 experience love and family. These precious girls have been rescued by Maria, Grace and Gie Gie from being trafficked or at risk of being trafficked and definitely abused, abandoned or orphaned. At Faith House, they are loved, cared for, treasured and educated. 7 are currently in University!!! They truly love one another and the Lord and He is healing their broken-hearts and binding up their wounds.

Our team has had the privilege of serving them this week. Our Warrior Princesses. And we gifted them I Am Enough t shirts. We are so blessed to have been with them. We love you all!!!




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Thailand 2022 - Day 4

Thailand 2022 - Day 4

May 04 11:38 AM
May 04 11:38 AM


Today we learned about the Armor of God! We had two sessions of teaching by Brenda on all of the elements of the Armor of God. The coloring activity in the morning helped inform the afternoon activity of actually making these items described in Ephesians 6: The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.  

During this time, Dee was doing a session with the Faith House staff on how to care for children who have experienced trauma! Great tools while working with these Myanmar refugee girls.

Enjoy these pics! What a joy to watch them be creative and soak in God's love! Thank you for your prayers!

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Thailand 2022 - Day 3

Thailand 2022 - Day 3

May 04 11:38 AM
May 04 11:38 AM


Another great day with the girls at Faith House. Glenn started off our teaching today about toxic shame and how Satan uses it to keep us distant from God and makes us feel like we aren't good enough. He stressed to the girls that they are deeply loved by God and nothing can separate them from him once they believe in him. Glenn also taught on how to share the Gospel this morning.

Dee wrapped the afternoon in a discussion of Who is God? He is the Shephard, Bread of Life, Savior, Light in the darkness.


The girls enjoyed unwrapping their tie dyed shirts from yesterday illustrating how unique and beautiful they are. Squeels of joy when they saw the colors!

Faith House also has a large garden. Jackfruit, mango, eggplant, banana and papaya for now. More to come when the rainy season is in full swing.

Thank you for your prayers. We covet them as we continue to minister to these 28 girls and 6 staff.

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Thailand 2022 - Day 1

Thailand 2022 - Day 1

May 03 9:18 AM
May 03 9:18 AM


Last night with great excitement we arrived in, Mae Sot.  It's been a long journey to get here, we met with a flight delay and then a brief quarantine when we arrived in Thailand while we were tested for COVID 19 and waited for the test result. Praise God we were all negative. The Faith House team Maria and Grace met us at the airport and then took us to see the girls.  There are presently 28 girls at Faith house and six of them are new having just fled the war in boardering Myanmar and finding refuge at Faith House.  Today we begin our teaching with the girls on creation and how they are created in the image of God.  Our theme this week is they are daughters of the most high King.  Our team has experienced God's providential hand already many times as He has faithfully made a way, we praise Him for that.



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