Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog

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May 25 9:46 AM
May 25 9:46 AM


Good evening from your church family in the Dominican Republic! 

We began this beautiful morning by covering books for the school library and setting up equipment in a sensory room. In fact, today, we had children sample the equipment in the sensory room for the first time!
At noon, we did club with the high school students. First, we played kickball, and then Brad led the students in a devotion. Finally, we shared a snack and then headed to lunch with the high school students on their new outdoor patio. 
In the afternoon, we visited the Ark, which is the residential facility of Kids Alive where they take in children from the community who have no one to take care of them and are oftentimes victims of abuse, neglect, trafficking, and more. We visited a few of the house parents, who take care of the children in homes in the Ark and raise them as part of a family. 
We finished the day by visiting with a few children at the local Haitian tutoring center, where disadvantaged students come after school for a snack and extra help with schoolwork. Most importantly, they are fed with the gospel of Jesus.
Your prayers for our team are greatly appreciated. We are passionately sharing the message of Jesus and working to be an encouragement to the children, teachers, and staff around us at Kids Alive. 
Thank you, TBC!
Your family in the Dominican, 
Dilo, Naomi, Darlene, Glenn, Becky, Felicity, Brad, and Christian
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May 24 8:53 AM
May 24 8:53 AM


Hello to our friends, family, and supporters at TBC! Our third day serving in the Dominican Republic was a blessing and encouragement to the Palo Blanco community as well as our entire team. 

In the morning, we joined the children at Anija, a Kids Alive Pre-K—9th-grade school in “downtown” Jarabacoa. We joined them in a Spanish singing of “Stand up, Stand Up for Jesus”, and then the Dominican national anthem during the flag raising. Finally, we joined the children in a morning prayer before the school day. 
During the day, we did another preschool workshop in which we did a story, craft, activity, and snack all centered around the Biblical story of Noah! We were blessed to interact with the children and simply have fun with them. The men painted a second coat in the sensory room and then began assembling the equipment, as shown below. 
In the evening, we had a candlelit team dinner because the power was out! It created a beautiful bonding experience where we shared our challenges and highlights from the day. 
We finished the night with our daily devotion on the back porch of the team home.
Again, thank you for your daily prayers for our team and for the people we are serving. We appreciate your support. We could not do this without you! 
Blessings from the DR!
Dilo, Naomi, Brad, Glenn, Darlene, Christian, Becky, and Felicity
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May 23 9:10 PM
May 23 9:10 PM


Greetings from Jarabacoa! We woke up bright and early to serve in the Kids Alive school at Palo Blanco. After touring the pre-K, elementary, middle, and high school facilities, we divided into two groups. Christian, Dilo, Brad, and Glenn (from left to right) painted the first coat of the sensory room to prepare for our construction later in the week. 

Naomi, Darleen, Becky, and Felicity did a story, song, craft, and snack to tell the story of Daniel in the lion's den. A child’s lion-themed snack is pictured below! We did exercises and movement “brain breaks” with the children. Finally, we prayed over the children and the classroom with the teacher.

In the afternoon, the men continued painting the sensory room a beautiful pale blue. The women did a teacher training for preschool teachers, emphasizing classroom behavioral management techniques and sensory room equipment applications. 

Together, after school hours, we toured a neighborhood in Palo Blanco and greeted and chatted with many of the local people. 
We finished the night with a traditional Dominican dinner and then, in the evening, a shopping trip to the local fruit stand! Thank you, Bible Chapel family, for the continued prayers and support of our ministry in the Dominican. We had a wonderful, service-filled, first full day here. 
Blessings from your friends in the DR, 
Naomi, Glenn, Dilo, Darlene, Brad, Becky, Felicity, and Christian
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May 22 9:29 AM
May 22 9:29 AM


We arrived at the Pittsburgh airport at 3:30 AM sharp ready to depart for the Dominican Republic to serve at Kids Alive ministry. We transported 16 suitcases of supplies to fully equip a sensory room, gifts for preschool teachers, and games and crafts for preschool and elementary classrooms. We landed in the DR around 2:00 PM, retrieved the bags, and headed to the ministry house at which we are staying.

After orientation and a Colombian dinner with the director of Kids Alive, we spent the evening organizing all the supplies for the preschool trainings throughout the week and the sensory room construction. Preschool educator, Darlene Slifco, who purchased and packed nearly all of the supplies, organized this effort to prepare us for our ministry throughout the week. 

Thank you for your prayers and to all who supported our ministry! We are excited for a week ahead of spreading the word of Jesus to our friends.



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Thailand 2023 Last Day

Thailand 2023 Last Day

May 02 10:04 AM
May 02 10:04 AM


This was written while we were sitting in Bangkok waiting to leave.  Unfortunetly, we couldn't post it because we couldn't connect to the internet.  We are home now and still marveling at all God did on this trip.

Highlights from our trip:

Teach the book of Esther and have the girls act it out.

Teach a painting class and bring supplies for 28 girls to learn how.

Take them to a resort for fun and to swim – something they rarely get to do.

Go deeper in their identity in Christ through lessons from Known by Aubrey Sampson.

Throw a lavish banquet to finish our time together – Just like Esther!


We are at the Bangkok airport waiting to return home from an amazing week with the Faith house girls and in Chaing Mai. It has been an amazing week seeing miracles all around.  Here are a few to share:


We flew over 10,000 miles each way with 8 people and over 700 lbs of luggage, and nothing got lost or damaged.

We decided to bring 28 Chromebook laptops in a prior planning meeting, and guess how many girls are at Faith House right now? 28

Brenda’s mom made cute PJ bottoms for the girls at Faith House that we brought with us. Guess how many she made? 28

We had the largest group of men ever to come to Thailand, and they spoke to the girls about what it is to be a Godly man and how to be safe on social media. As these girls get older, they are thinking about dating and marriage.

We have had eight people together for 10 days staying in one place for no more than three days, and everyone was on time, had no major conflicts, and nobody got sick.


So, do you believe in miracles? God has watched over us in a mighty way. Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement. Such a joy to be the hands and feet of Jesus and a light in the darkness.


This is our group with the college girls in Chiang Mai.


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