Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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As we got to the church today, we had a time of orientation which I really enjoyed. After that, we went and had dinner where I met my team and got to know new people. After dinner, we had our first project where we packed lunch bags and lunch boxes for people in West Virginia through a contact from the Robinson Campus. After that, we had a time of worship where we praised God and learned about Jesus’ rhythm of prayer.
Next, we went to various prayer stations where the one that Joshua Brim-Simpson led had the biggest impact on me. His station focused on the serenity prayer, which focuses on having peace with the stuff we can’t control or change. This station had the biggest impact on me because I have learned that I can’t change much in my life, and I feel like God can help you through those situations because He provides peace in those moments.
The biggest thing I am excited about this week is helping people and sharing the good news of Jesus. Through participating in this year’s mission trip, I can say with full confidence that everyone should do mission work. These trips teach you about other peoples’ worlds and what they must go through and how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to this world. I am thankful to be a part of this year’s mission trip and can’t wait to see what God does!
- Jadon Kithcart