Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog

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Thailand 2023 - Leaving Today

Thailand 2023 - Leaving Today

Apr 21 12:08 PM
Apr 21 12:08 PM


In the Spring of 2019, The Bible Chapel sent a mission team to Thailand that changed my life. Through that trip, I became aware of human trafficking happening in our world today. Gary Haugen, founder of International Justice Mission that rescues victims of human trafficking, has said there are 40,000,000 human trafficked victims in our world today.

I am so excited!! Because we get to go again- for our third time! The Bible Chapel is set to return to Faith House April 19th- May 1st. Our team is led by Glenn Delich and Brenda Tenison. Joining our team is Pastor Ron Moore, Greg Devore, Gary Gould, Bill Harms, Kathleen Belack, and myself (Dee Johnson).

We are going to lead the girls through the book of Esther- our precious princess warriors will understand Queen Esther and how God can also use them at “such a time as this.” These princess warriors are going to change the world!!

We will, also, teach some identity in Christ chapters from Aubrey Sampson’s book Known. It’s my new favorite! I will lead them in acrylic painting of some Bold Blooms (please pray for that!), and we will do some sewing and other activities leading to a banquet to help them personalize the teachings of Esther.

We cannot rescue 40,000,000 people, but we can participate in bringing the healing teachings of Christ to these 35 rescued souls at Faith House; the girls are ages 9-26. I wish you could join us in the amazing worship with these girls. Their sweet singing takes us right to the throne of God.

Please pray for our mission trip to Faith House in Maesot, Thailand, and that God will enable the girls to understand the teaching of Esther and His vision to use them to reach the world for Christ. Thank you for your partnership and prayer as we bring the gospel and Jesus to these precious girls. Your faithfulness and generosity mean so much.


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Hungary 2023 - Day 7

Hungary 2023 - Day 7

Mar 27 10:04 AM
Mar 27 10:04 AM


Happy birthday to Tony today!!

Well, this incredible, crazy, whirl-wind trip is coming to an end! Although they said it was illegal to hide the missionaries in our checked bags…the memories we made with them will last us a long time. As we said goodbye to the friends we made, we know that the high school and college students are still in good hands. As we end this blog, I wanted everyone to share a little about the trip. Sooo enjoy! :)

Tony Carrola - “Meeting with and getting to know the missionaries in Budapest was one of the highlights of the trip for me. They were truly kinda and hospitable, and I enjoyed encouraging and working alongside them. It was also a wonderful experience travelling with so many great friends from our church and getting to know them better.”

John Palmer - “The best part of the trip was the growth. I grew in my faith, maturity, and relations with people. I really enjoyed the people that I served with: Matthew, Emmy, Tony, Ricky, Jennifer, and Jonathan, to name a few. I also really enjoyed talking to the other students that were my age and experiencing the world in a really different culture.”

Jonathan Lingenhoel - “This week I was reminded of God's call to serve Him in whatever capacity He asks of us. I watched our team do just that, whether it was chatting with teens and college students, witnessing to strangers, washing dishes, or patiently sitting and waiting as our accompanying missionaries figured out what our next class our task was, they did so with joy as unto the Lord. I saw true Christian fellowship and humble service in action, and it was a joy to behold. :) I pray that we are able to continue with that attitude, being willing to do whatever task God places in front of us, no matter how menial or (seemingly) meaningless.”

Meagan Lingenhoel - “What an amazing week! I'm so thankful to have been able to share Budapest with the team this year! Talking with Hungarian high schoolers and college students was so very sweet.  Deepening relationships with the Hungarian Cru missionaries is always such a blessing! Praise God for using us and keeping us safe!”

Matthew Nuzzo - “I got to know a few of the missionaries from FÉK much better this trip. Góki and I were able to talk a lot after FÉK PÉNTEK, the event they held for the highschool and college students we spoke to during the week. We spent time talking a lot about our hobbies, but also about the great work happening in Budapest. He explained that he thinks the BHHP has been an amazing success - they’ve been seeing an increase in numbers coming to their events these past two years. He also explained that he loved getting to meet a few of us again and that he was encouraged through us stepping out of our comfort zones throughout the entire week.”

Ricky Andrews - “It’s hard to summarize an entire week of fun and exhaustion and blessings from God in a few sentences. This week, God brought us to Budapest and did some very amazing things to us and through us. We met so many amazing people, formed bonds and connections that will last a lifetime, and saw Jesus working in incredible ways, as well as facing our fair share of challenges along the way. We ate delicious (and sometimes strange) food, saw the beautiful city of Budapest from the inside and from a bird's eye view, plus many other experiences that would take me days to list. So to sum it up, Isten áldja Budapestet és Isten áldja a Magyarokat (God bless Budapest and the Hungarian people)!”

Corbin Rutan - “This trip was a great opportunity. It allowed us to grow closer to those of the faith from both America and Hungary, and we planted seeds of the gospel in the minds of nonbelievers.”

Jennifer Cook - “I’m finishing our last day with traveling back to the US.  To those of you who have considered doing a missions trip with the church, but think 'I just don’t think I could put myself out there and share my faith.', I encourage you to to go. It was the easiest and most joyful experience. The missionaries you work with have such an enthusiasm to teach us, and an earnest desire to share Jesus. I have been changed by meeting them and have grown in my faith. I am sad to be leaving and looking forward to returning to see them and Budapest again. I feel as though the others on the team are close friends now and will miss not spending the day with them. It also is a great reminder that we are so blessed to be from the US and have such a wonderful church led by God fearing men and women that want to help us spread the gospel around the world.”

Emmy Nuzzo - “I wrote the blog so I have said a lot for the week already ;)”

Thank you to everyone following along and praying for us on our journey!


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Hungary 2023 - Day 6

Hungary 2023 - Day 6

Mar 27 9:56 AM
Mar 27 9:56 AM


Friday! One of the busiest days of the week! We started our day by going into more schools! As we went through this week, one thing we realized was that teachers really need more credit (sorry to my mom, who is a teacher)! We were exhausted by the end of the day! A good exhausted, but still exhausted. One of the schools has a student who was a new believer and who has been doing a Bible study with Kiso (one of the missionaries). This student wanted to share the FEK organization but didn’t know how, so she was excited that we were there to help get the other students excited!

After the schools, we had about an hour or two break to prepare ourselves for their big event in the evening! We met early and went over what was happening that night, our expectations, and an overall game plan! We prayed for the students, our hearts, the missionaries, and for overall energy for the night, then waited for the students to show up. We saw students that we had met earlier in the week, and it was an encouragement to continue our relationship with them and that they were excited about the event and organization! It was an exciting night, and the missionaries said that it was the biggest event that they had!! So many of the students were connected with the Hungarian missionaries, and it was a time of fellowship and new friendships being formed. The missionaries had everyone fill out a survey so they can keep in touch with them and hopefully find a spot where they can be connected.

At the same time, we were doing the event for the students, Meagan and John went and helped with another event! It was a marriage enrichment event, where campus crusade focused on pouring into married couples and enriching family life. They helped with the dinner, washed dishes, cleared plates, and talked to other couples!

Overall, it was a great day, and it was awesome seeing all the events come together! God is working here, and we feel so blessed to be able to see and experience a part of it.

As we finish out our week here, our prayer is for the missionaries we are leaving. We pray that they can make lasting relationships with the students and that a revival will be starting in Hungary.

Our Hungarian word of the day is felfedezés which means exploration!


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Hungary 2023 - Day 5

Hungary 2023 - Day 5

Mar 24 11:02 AM
Mar 24 11:02 AM


Day three of going into the schools, and we are really getting our rhythm down in our teams! This trip has not only allowed us to help other people find or grow in their faith, but it also allows us to grow our skills in patience and communication within our teams - figuring out the best way to get our classes done the best way we can. Throughout the week, we also have been able to have engaging conversations with the missionaries each day. Building these friendships with them is one of our favorite “added bonuses” that this opportunity allows us. Seeing how the friendships that were made last year grow even more this year is such an amazing picture of the unity God wants for his people. Thousands of miles away, serving the same God, bringing us together.

We have been having such God-moments this week, and it has been awesome sitting down with each other at the end of the day and sharing them. Sadly, I can’t share all of them with you now because this blog would turn into a novel, so we will start with one for today. When Jonathan was out in the college town doing his “randoms” as they are called here (random evangelizing), he approached three students who were down to talk to him. Their names were Akos, Adam, and Bogi. It turned out that one of them was an agnostic, one atheist, and one a “non-practicing Christian.” Through the tools that we learned in our training session this week, Jonathan was able to spend about an hour and a half challenging the students on what they actually believe in and left them with some questions to ponder. Jonathan was able to pray with the three of them, and they even gave him some prayer requests when he asked. The one girl, who claimed to be a Christian, said she was struggling with depression and wasn’t sure if heaven or hell were real and wanted to find the answers to it all. Without Jonathan taking a walk of faith and approaching these three students, some seeds wouldn’t have been planted in their hearts, and they may not have had anyone care enough to make them think and question what is actually true. Jesus says in Matthew 9 that the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. We can see the need here, and we need to be answering that call either through prayer, support, or even going. This trip has reminded us that there isn’t just a need in Hungary but in our own city as well, and we hope to use the tools and training this trip has given us to grow as Christians and to share the good news more boldly with the people in our hometowns.

Please pray as we continue this week and have the event with the students tomorrow night. Please pray that they will show up and that they will be open to the gospel.

Our Hungarian word of the day is “gyönyör?” which means beautiful!


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Hungary 2023 - Day 4

Hungary 2023 - Day 4

Mar 23 9:31 AM
Mar 23 9:31 AM


March 22nd, also known as the day Matthew was born (22 years ago!). What better way to celebrate your birthday than serving God with some of your friends (and eating Hungarian delicacies…)!

We started our day by heading off in our groups to five new schools. Today, we had about five classes per group and an average of 15-20 students per class! Who needs math, but that seems like a lot of students we were able to reach! It is so cool being able to talk to the students and see them engage with us and ask us questions. We had quite a few of them interested in coming to Gönczy and the English camp this summer. One teacher told us that a girl that really never speaks in class was participating and very engaged the entire time. Besides talking to the students, we also had some opportunities to speak to the teachers. Some of them seemed more excited than the students that we were there!

After school today, we had half of our team go out for random evangelizing. When they were paired with a Hungarian missionary, they went to the universities to find anyone who would talk to them. Something that makes talking to random strangers easier, at least, is how genuinely open most of them are to talking to us. In America, most of us would brush off someone coming up to us in the street asking for 10-15 minutes of our time, thinking they were most likely someone selling us a product or their religion. Here, they don’t mind talking about what they believe or don’t believe in and don’t take any offense to us asking them. Ricky, one of our first-year team members, went for his first time today and was super excited about the day after! He said, “Today I had the opportunity to do random evangelism with a local Hungarian missionary named Joseph (pronounced and probably spelled differently). We walked to a library park in downtown Budapest which is a popular hangout spot for university students. We talked to two different groups of students, asking them survey questions about life and their thoughts/opinions about God. They all had very interesting thoughts and the conversations were wonderful. I really think we planted some seeds for Christ and gave them something to think about.” Although it’s not comfortable for us, the common consensus is that once we actually do random evangelizing, we are so glad we did.. and it actually was not as scary as we were making it to be in our minds.

Please pray for the connections we made here already and for them to be able to grow through the help of the Hungarian missionaries once we leave and that a lasting impact is taking place for God’s kingdom.

Our Hungarian word of the day is szerelem which means “love”.


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