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Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 7

Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 7

Mar 12 6:38 PM
Mar 12 6:38 PM



Our last day in Hungary! It is crazy to think that the week is over already. We’ve done so much in such a short amount of time, yet we feel like there is so much more we can do. It is bittersweet that we are leaving this beautiful country, but we know we are leaving the ministry in great hands. We could tell from the beginning of the week that God hand-picked each of us and each of the missionaries working there to accomplish His plan. We saw firsthand how well they all work alongside each other, encouraging one another along the way. Their love of God was evident in how they spoke and the actions in their life and it was such an encouragement to know that this ministry will be well taken care of and that they care so much about its growth. Although we came to serve these people, they ended up enriching our lives along the way. We couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity to see how God can use us in any way to accomplish His work here on earth. All of us are leaving Hungary changed in one way or another and I asked everyone to write a couple of sentences on one takeaway from this trip. 

Jonathan-“God reminded me of His foreknowledge this week. None of what is going on in the world right now, or what has been happening for the last couple of years has been a surprise to Him. He was able to use all of this to open doors for us to be able to share the gospel and build relationships with students in ways that we would not have imagined. God's love for the entire world was evidenced to me this week, and the way in which He uses those who love and serve Him around the world to build his church across time and culture amazes me!” 

Meagan- Wow, this trip was a whirlwind! This trip for me spoke of “witness”. Being a witness to what God is doing all over the world. Being a witness to another ministry learning how to morph and change in this time of Covid and now a war so close to home. Being a witness to missionaries helping Ukrainians have a place to stay as they pass through. Being a witness to missionaries sharing their lives and experiences with high school and university students. Being a witness to growth amongst my own teammates and how God is changing and growing them. Being a witness to missionaries here being put in positions they are not comfortable with or expecting and learning to cope and grow from it. God has shown me through this week just how big He is and how much He is doing in us and through us in this world. What a mighty God we serve, and what an honor and joy it is to be just a small part of His work.

Matthew-“Something that really impacted me this week was the opportunity to speak to two students from South Africa. During our randoms, my partner and I spoke to these two students and ended up staying for roughly 45 minutes. In that time, we learned that one of them came from a Christian background, but never was able to get questions he had answered by people in his church. He ended up going to school in Africa for theological philosophy, and even there his professors constantly refused to answer his questions, so he's now in Budapest studying to become an engineer to start a new life here. He explained to us that he grew up without any real Christian community around him and that he ended up walking away from the church for now, until he finds someone willing to at least be willing to discuss his questions with him. Sadly, we were not able to immediately help because of time restraints, but we were able to get him into contact with some people from FÉK to sit down and discuss his questions and he seemed very excited to be able to do that. It really made me realize how important it is to have good Christian community around you and a community that is willing to talk about the harder questions.”

Amber- “This week has been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences for me! I had a chance to live out my dream of serving Him overseas! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a spark in the ministry of crew, and to be a part of something so much greater than myself! God has blessed our team so much this week, between fellowship with other believers and getting to see God work through us so much! We were able to have good conversations with teens and college students that have so many questions about life and their identities! It was overall a life-changing experience for me. Our prayer is that it was also life-changing for those we got to talk to!” 

Emmy-As this was my first mission trip, I really was not sure what to expect. I assumed we would be serving people and that God was going to use us for His plan, but I didn’t realize how this trip was going to impact me as well. God took a lot of my insecurities and things I never would volunteer to do and made me face them head-on. Throughout the week, I could see how He would put me in situations I wasn’t the most comfortable with in order to grow and mold me as a Christian. It was an incredible ministry that we were a part of and I already can’t wait to go back! 

We want to thank everyone who prayed for us and supported us on this trip. There were many factors that could have stopped this trip from happening, but we were able to continue to see God show up and move any and all of the obstacles in our path. Please continue to pray for the ministry happening here in Hungary and for our safe trip back tomorrow. Thanks for following along! :) 

Your last Hungarian word of the day is “barátság” which means “friendship” because we are leaving with so many new friends here in Hungary. 

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Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 6

Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 6

Mar 11 9:48 PM
Mar 11 9:48 PM


Day 6 in Hungary 

Today was the day we all were scared of…(and by all of us, I mean myself) Random evangelizing… For introverted people, like myself, the thought of walking up to complete strangers and starting conversations with them (take out the fact that we are in a foreign country) has never sounded like a fun time to me. Funny enough, God has a specialty of taking the things we are most uncomfortable with and using those things to accomplish His goals. (I mean if Moses couldn’t barter his way out of Egypt, why would I think I could this week) This entire week I have been thinking that maybe everyone forgot about the “randoms” as the missionaries affectionately nick-named them, but of course… they did not. We split into groups of two and walked around the universities nearby walking up to people, introducing ourselves/ our organization, and asking if they would be interested in taking a ten-minute survey. *This was actually the first time the “Crew” team was using their new survey tool called “soularium.” Basically, we have a stack of fifty cards with different pictures on them. We then ask five questions where they have to answer the question by choosing three of the pictures and explaining why they picked those pictures. The questions are designed to provoke deeper, theological conversations in a non-threatening manner.* At first, it was a little difficult finding people because it was a Friday afternoon and most students had left for the weekend, but after a couple of minutes, each of the teams started to find people who were willing. One team actually talked to two guys for about 45 minutes about the gospel and gave them information to get connected to “Crew.” I went with one of the missionaries and I, as I said, was super nervous. We met a girl who agreed to take the survey and as soon as I started talking to her, everything changed and I realized why this ministry is so important. This girl had never heard the gospel being presented to her and didn’t actually know who Jesus is or anything about Christianity. She is struggling with a lot in her life right now, and said she has been searching for something missing in her life, she just can’t figure out how to find it. We were able to use the survey to open the door to give her the gospel presentation and she said she would like to follow up with us to know more about Christianity and what makes it different than everything else she has heard about. If I would have let my own insecurities get in the way, this girl may have left school without hearing about the only thing that can save and heal her life. As much as I was afraid for today, I am so glad I went, and although I’m sure I will still have some nerves the next time, I am actually excited to do it again. 

After the “randoms” everyone finished setting everything up for the event at Gönczy. We all had a group prayer before the event, then waited for the children to show up. The event went well and all the people who showed up had a lot of fun, and we had some great conversations in our small groups after with the students. We are hoping this will be the first event of many at their new building and that God will keep showing up and changing lives. 

Please pray for everyone we met today at the university campus that God will reveal Himself to them and they can have their own relationship with Him. Please also pray for the ministry at Gönczy that the students will show up and that God will transform lives there. 

The Hungarian word of the day is “menjünk haza” which means “let’s go home” because we will be heading back to the states Sunday morning! 

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Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 5

Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 5

Mar 10 7:30 PM
Mar 10 7:30 PM


Day Five in Hungary. 

We finished the last of the school visits today. Each team had about 6 classes each and although it was very fun and fulfilling, we were all struggling towards the end. Because it was our last day, the teachers combined some classes because all of the teachers wanted their class to have a slot with us and we didn’t have enough people or time for everyone. This was incredible and it also meant that we were in classes of around 30 students per session. So many kids were reached today and we can’t wait to see them show up Friday and continue to develop the connections we started this week. We learned a lot this week through being there and Amber said she was even corrected on her spelling of some English words by the teachers! 

After school, Gabi’s wife Mara (missionaries Bible Chapel supports) and Amber went random evangelizing together around Budapest. Amber said they had a meaningful connection with a woman they met and were able to talk to her. Amber said, “We went street evangelizing where we would engage with people by asking them to take a short survey. This one woman, in particular, took the survey then was talking to us after. Mara then asked if the woman would be willing to hear more about what we believe so she explained the gospel for the women, in Hungarian! Mara and I then prayed with the woman and after she told me that she really needed that conversation today and was excited to possibly attend a Bible study Mara offered. She also said that she had never thought about sin separating us from God, and that was something she took away from our conversation! The woman had a Roman Catholic background and was very open to the conversation! We exchanged contact information and am excited to keep talking to her.

We finished out our night with a “Hungarian culture night” where Gabi took us to a Hungarian restaurant where we enjoyed some delicious food. (although I say that about all the food in Hungary) It was a great night of food and fellowship with each other. We went around the room getting to know each other more and ended up sharing some of our testimonies. As some of the missionary team members from “Crew” shared about themselves, you could see how much God has changed and impacted their lives. We also learned that Gabi has saved two people from drowning when he was a lifeguard!! Ironic that now he is trying to help save people from “spiritual drowning.” (I tried to tie it all together…it’s been a long day) We are all off to early bedtimes again as tomorrow starts our big event day!!

Please continue to pray that students show up tomorrow at Gönczy tomorrow and that God is already preparing their hearts to be open to His love. Please also pray for the women Mara and Amber talked to today that she would go to Mara’s Bible study and realize her need for a Savior. 

Today’s Hungarian word of the day is…*drum roll* “alvásra van szüksége” which means “need sleep” because that is what our team needs right now. 

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Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 4

Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 4

Mar 09 6:57 PM
Mar 09 6:57 PM


Day Four in Hungary!!

Another day in the schools! Because of yesterday, we weren’t as nervous for the day as we had a feel for what was happening and what we would be doing. The missionaries we went with were explaining to us how excited they were that we were back in Hungary because it is the first year since Covid started that the missionaries were allowed back into the schools. During the lesson, the missionaries took a couple of minutes to explain their organization to the students and they said it was the first year that none of the students knew anything about it. This was due to the fact that most of these students were entering high school as covid started so they never had a chance to hear about the program. Us going into these schools with the missionaries makes such an impact because they can use the promise of “real Americans” to get into the English classes, they are then able to get the kids interested in their programs and what they are really about. So far, we have had a lot of interest in Friday’s big event and are hoping the connections made there can continue once we are gone. 

To be completely honest, the hardest part of the day happened after school when we went back to Gönczy, the missionary's new building. They had to buy more chairs for the students because they all keep getting filled during their events, which is great and exciting news, except they were from IKEA….which meant that they needed to be put together. One may not think that would be a hard task, but for anyone who has actually spent time figuring out IKEA furniture, it can be quite the challenge. We had a joke where we kept wondering how many Hungarians and how many Americans it would take to build one IKEA chair. (turns out it was 13) Eventually, and with no tears ‘externally’ shed somehow, we were able to build all the new chairs and get them ready for Friday. 

One of everyone’s favorite times of the week, though, is the night where we all go to Mara and Gabi’s house (the missionaries the Bible Chapel supports) and have dinner with them. Mara made a delicious homemade Hungarian dish for us tonight called paprikash. After the meal, we all went into the living room where Jonathan and Meagan led us in worship. Gabi then shared some verses on his heart and we had a time of prayer. This was a very powerful time and God’s presence could be felt by everyone in the room. I think this was such a special time for everyone because it allowed us to truly just sit in front of God and praise Him for being who He is. During the worship, Amber decided that “Americans are crybabies” because everyone shed a couple of tears as we truly thought about how great our God truly is. (can you blame us) We ended our worship by singing a worship song with the Americans singing in English and our Hungarian friends in Hungarian. I overheard someone say that it made them think of what it will be like in Heaven, with everyone praising God in their native languages from all the corners of the earth. 

Please continue to pray for us as we have one more day in the schools then we will start the preparation for Friday. 

These students desperately need Jesus and our prayer is that they will actually show up and continue showing up after that.  

The Hungarian word of the day is “hálás érzés” which means “feeling thankful” because that is how we all are feeling right now!
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Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 3

Hungary Trip 2022 - Day 3

Mar 09 9:16 AM
Mar 09 9:16 AM


Day Three in Hungary 

Today was a busy day for all of us. Using the training we learned from today, we separated into our teams and entered the schools. 

There, we taught an English class to the students who are learning English. We started with a quick introduction of ourselves, then followed with a game where the prizes were Reese’s cups. (a very envied reward in Hungary as they do not have peanut butter) Once the game was over, we did a short lesson with the students. After, we had the children separate into small groups, where we were able to connect and interact with the children. The children were really excited we were there and we were able to invite them to the church event Friday, which interested many of them. 

It was a long day for us, but we could already see how God is using this part of the ministry. 


We all had a lot of fun memories (and some challenging) today, but for this not to be a couple of books long, we each narrowed down one of our favorites. For Jonathan, he would have to choose when he was able to talk to the chaplain at one of the schools, a Christian himself. The chaplain was asking questions on how he could better reach his students with the gospel and how he could disciple the ones that are Christians already. That allowed Jonathan to be able to have a conversation encouraging and giving him advice on how to help him. For Meagan, something she enjoyed today, was how excited the teachers and students both were to have them come to their school. The students even brought them Hungarian candy and made pins as a thank you. Amber, although she said she did not succeed, enjoyed trying to pronounce some of the Hungarian words with the children. She said this helped the children not feel as insecure about speaking English, even though they struggled. For Matthew, he was able to help motivate and encourage the students to pursue the careers they want to follow after high school and helped them set goals on how to reach them. He especially liked the fact that he was able to talk to a student who was interested in going to college for animation, which is also what he is majoring in college right now. If I (Emmy) had to pick something that I particularly had fun with today, I would pick the small group discussions. There, I was able to learn more about these students’ lives and the differences between our cultures. 

Although we are all exhausted, and will probably have an early bedtime tonight, we couldn’t be more excited and encouraged for what we can see God doing in Hungary and can’t wait to see what else He does. 

Please continue to pray for the students we met today and that they will show up on Friday. Please also pray for us as we go back into the schools around Hungary tomorrow. 

The Hungarian word of the day is “köszönöm” which means “thank you.” 

*Because of child photography laws, we were not able to take any pictures in the schools today…so enjoy some of the beautiful sights we saw on our walk back to our hotel tonight.* :) 

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