Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog

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Aug 01 12:19 PM
Aug 01 12:19 PM


Maasailand was our special destination today! Words fail to describe the people, homes, and land, so we are including many pictures that we hope will speak thousands of words.

We took a three-hour drive into the Kenyan highlands to visit the Maasai families and homes of ten students from the Lion of Judah school. This agrarian community warmly welcomed us, wearing their best traditional clothing and jewelry, and giving hugs and handshakes to us all. We were happy to see that the students had been brought there as well, and they introduced us to their parents. Much picture-taking followed!

They showed us their homes, which are made of cattle dung and sticks with poles to support them. The homes are low and dark with a door to keep out hyenas. There was a small alcove to cook over a fire, and another alcove to sleep in. Donkeys are used to carry large containers to gather water outside as there is no indoor plumbing or bathroom.

Family groups have houses arranged together within thick hedges of thorn bushes. These fences also create pens for their animals, which keep out hyenas, cheetahs, leopards, wild dogs, and lions.

Next, we walked to the  Maasai church in that community - a congregation of over 200 people who gather from up to 15 miles away.  The Maasai families, who had skipped their market day to be with us, joined our team in singing, dancing, and exchanging greetings from our church families. Jonathan shared a message of encouragement with them based on Paul's greeting to the Ephesians. They gifted all of us with hand-beaded jewelry as a gesture of their gratitude and hospitality. John even received a traditional cloak from one of the men. They were so happy that we visited their community and stated that they knew we had come because of our love for them. They thanked us for the help The Bible Chapel gave them during a season of drought in which they lost all their cattle and livelihood. We prayed together to thank God for His goodness to all of us. We then headed home after prayers and photos and many heartfelt goodbyes. 

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Aug 01 12:16 PM
Aug 01 12:16 PM


We enjoyed another day with students at AIC Zion School. In addition to teaching classes, playing soccer/volleyball/hand rhyming games, and talking with children, we had other opportunities to serve. Jonathan and Matthew met with a group of pastors from various AIC churches. They discussed common issues in church ministry, answered questions about how we do ministry in our churches in the U.S., and gave encouragement to them as fellow believers.

Cody, Tiffany, Karen, and Cindy met with teachers from the school to learn from each other about teaching practices and concerns. At the end of the day, we attended the mid-week service at AIC Zion church. John shared a message of encouragement, and Jonathan prayed for the church's needs. Worshipping together through song, prayer, and scripture, allowed us to be together in our common faith, a body of Christ.

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Jul 28 3:32 PM
Jul 28 3:32 PM


We visited some of the students' homes in the Methare slum and shared the gospel with those families and their neighbors. The homes are built back to back out of corrugated metal, on dirt roads littered with garbage, and with no sewage. They are generally a small room for the whole family to live in. One family we visited kept telling us what a blessing it was that we came to see them and how we were the first people from the U.S. to ever visit their home.

We prayed with each family for specific needs, such as finding a better job, trying to care for their parents, finding and paying for medications, paying for shoes and school supplies, wanting their children to do well in school, and for their children to leave the slums. Team members also spent time in the classrooms teaching various subjects, and playing with children during free time. 


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Jul 28 11:23 AM
Jul 28 11:23 AM


Today, we went to the other school, Lion of Judah, which is a few hours out of the city in the countryside. When we arrived, the whole school was assembled outside singing to us as we drove through the gates. There was also a group of Maasai performers in traditional dress, singing, and dancing. The Maasai group led a dancing procession eventually calling us to join in (one of many times they called us up front to dance with them!).

Pastor Wambua took us on a tour of the Lion of Judah classrooms and the school farm where they raise a lot of their own food. The Bible Chapel has provided help for much of the infrastructure of the campus, so it was wonderful to see all the changes and progress and hear the hopes for future plans. Lion of Judah is a boarding school, with dorms for both girls and boys, but they had been in need of a bathroom for the boys. The Bible Chapel helped pay for the construction of a new bathroom, so they wanted to dedicate it while we were visiting. They sang a song.... "look what God has provided", and prayed their thankfulness to the Lord. Then a member of our team cut a big ribbon tied on the entrance. We then had the honor of being guests for a wonderful program put on by the students.

Each class performed songs, Bible memory verses, poetry performances, and dancing. There were speakers and prayers and more Maasai dancing. After this, they dismissed all the students except for the Maasai girls. They stayed back to do a smaller program for us. The girls wanted to thank Pastor Wambua and the Bible Chapel for providing scholarships for them to go to school/live there. Several girls shared with us what life was like for them before coming to Lion of Judah. They told their personal stories of the problems they faced, including stories of physical/sexual abuse, being forced into marriages at a very young age, having to work rather than attend school, and the lack of food, clothes, and daily needs. All of this changed when they came to Lion of Judah, and that is why they call the school "paradise". It was a very emotional experience for us all.

After this, we went out to the sports field (big, red dirt field) to play field games. We played a group game, and then our team members competed with the students and staff in a 100-meter race carrying an egg on a spoon race, and gunny sack races. The male team members played volleyball and soccer with the students and staff while the female team members hung out with many of the girls talking and letting them play with our hair. After lots of hugs, songs, prayers, and goodbyes, we left for our return trip back. We were all very tired and covered with red dirt, but our hearts were filled to capacity with the warm welcome and love we experienced at Lion of Judah.

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Jul 26 9:36 AM
Jul 26 9:36 AM


We were treated like rock stars today as we served at the AIC Zion school.

The children had an assembly for us where they performed poetry, songs, and dances. They followed our team members around all day wanting hugs and affection and asking many questions of us.

Here are a few highlights of each team member's day: Cody and Jonathan visited the grade 6 and 7 classes answering questions about the U.S. and asking the children questions about their culture. Cody also taught U.S. geography and the science behind seasons. 

Matthew and John led sports and games for much of the school during structured playtime. John also taught aviation basics to the year 4 class.

Tiffany spent time observing the grade 6,7,8 classes and made plans to teach geometry during her time here. The teachers are very excited for her to demonstrate methods for teaching geometry, and the children are equally happy to play with her long, blonde hair.

Ellie spent time with the grade 6,7,8 classes as well. She beautifully sang our national anthem for the children, and they, in turn, sang the Kenya national anthem. The children were equally enamored with Ellie"s long, curly hair. 

Karen and Cindy spent time in the younger children's classes helping the teachers check work, do lessons, and serve porridge for breakfast. Karen taught the children how to jump rope, and Cindy taught several songs and games. It was a fun, exhausting day!

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